What Is The Most Common Collision Between Cars And Motorcycles?

motorcycle and car accident

The most common motorcycle and car collisions are the fault of other motorists who are negligent and fail to see motorcycles in their path. The majority of motorcycle collisions happen when a car makes a left turn in front of you.

Since 42% of all collisions involving a motorcycle and a car happen in this situation, it is the deadliest for motorcycle riders.

What Are The Most Common Types Of Collisions Between Cars And Motorcycles?

Distracted Driving

Distractions can result from texting, eating, reading, grooming, talking to a passenger, or even talking on the phone.


Excessive speeding includes more than just going over the posted speed limit. It also includes racing and driving too fast for the weather, the road, and work zones.

Driver/Motorcyclist Negligence

Technology advancements, particularly those in smartphone technology, have led to an increase in the number of distracted drivers. Other causes include distracted driving by passenger car occupants and eating and drinking while driving.

Drunk Driving

Driving or riding a motorcycle while inebriated is illegal as well as dangerous. Numerous public safety efforts have not stopped many drivers from engaging in it.

Blind Spots

There is no full-circle vision of the surroundings provided by the side and rearview mirrors.

Accidents in the blind region frequently occur during abrupt lane changes. Drivers who don’t use turn signals give motorcycle riders little time to respond.

Head-On Collisions

Head-on collisions occur when a car crosses the centerline of the road or when it is traveling the opposite way down a street.

Failing to Yield the Right-of-Way

At intersections, the most common cause of motorcycle/car collisions is frequently failing to yield the right of way because they don’t see the motorcycle or fail to anticipate its approach. This frequently leads to significant injuries.

Lack of Perception

When a car driver pulls out in front of a motorcycle or a motorcycle rider fails to judge the distance between an oncoming vehicle appropriately. Head-on collisions may occur in these circumstances if the speed is not adequately assessed.

Drowsy Drivers

A medical problem may also cause drowsy driving. A driver’s reflexes and reaction times will go down if they wait too long to take a break, which can also result in a motorcycle and car collision.

Motorcycle Lane Splitting Accidents

When a motorcyclist travels between lanes or rows of stationary or slow-moving traffic, whether legal or not, they are said to be “lane splitting.”

Unfortunately, lane splitting frequently results in accidents since drivers often fail to account for motorcycles passing their cars in traffic.


Injurious tailgating at high speeds has been the cause of numerous deadly car accidents.

Giving the vehicle in front of you a one-car-length space for every 10 mph you travel will help you avoid these collisions.


Since motorbikes can maneuver through traffic at a high rate of speed, numerous riders have perished after colliding with abruptly opening automobile doors.

Defective Motorcycles

You take care of your bike and make sure it has everything it needs to run smoothly. However, occasionally a component’s producer will create a subpar product or a mechanic will install a subpar component. Riders and spectators can suffer major physical harm as a result of defective parts.

Road Hazards

Unfortunately, there are many common road risks. They may consist of:

Debris, standing water, edge breaks, wet pavement, objects on the road, animals, gravel, leaves in the expansion joints of the bridge, open bridge joints, and potholes.

Poor Weather Conditions

Motorcycle accidents can be brought on by bad weather since it reduces visibility and makes roads treacherous. There are virtually few safety precautions for motorcycle riders, and if they are in a motorcycle accident, there is no steel structure to protect them.

The Danger of Left-Hand Turns

Motorcycles are smaller than other motor vehicles, making them frequently less conspicuous and more likely to go unnoticed.

Turning left in front of a motorcycle is the cause and most common type of collision between cars and motorcycles.

are the most common location for a collision between a bike and a car

Car and Motorcycle Lead to Serious Injuries

Motorcycle accidents are far more likely than car accidents to result in serious injuries, fatalities, and high medical costs.

The current study provides new evidence of the financial toll, despite the fact that earlier research has shown that motorcycle crash incidents have the potential to cause injuries that are significantly more severe than those caused by auto accidents.

Researchers looked at information on 26,831 motorcycle accident victims and 281,826 auto accident victims. According to the report, injuries from motorcycle accidents occurred three times more frequently than those from car accidents.

What to Do After Car and Motorcycle Accidents

When you are engaged in a car or motorcycle accident, you should take the following actions:

Get off the road, assess the area’s safety, and move to a secure location.

Refrain from taking off your helmet and other protective gear because you might not be aware of all injuries as a result of the adrenaline. By doing so, you risk making your situation worse.

Call the police and an ambulance – Report the motorbike accident to the police, and request an ambulance if you need medical attention. Even if you don’t feel or notice any injuries, you should still get looked out.

Record the incident – If you feel okay, try to collect proof. Write down the license plates of any registered vehicles involved in the accident, take your own photos, request a copy of the police report from the insurance company, and contact a personal injury attorney.

Car and Motorcycle Accidents

Safety Driving Tips For Every Car Owner And Motorcyclist

Check out our 10 suggestions for motorcycle safety and the drivers of cars to ensure that everyone gets to their destination safely, whether you’re driving the car or the motorcycle.

  1. Split the lane, not the road.
  2. Increase the following distance when turn signals are flashing.
  3. A little inconvenience for a car driver could pose a serious risk to a motorcycle rider.
  4. Bear in mind how differently motorcycles respond.
  5. When making a left turn, scan both directions.
  6. Take extra caution when crossing junctions.
  7. Look for any blind spots.
  8. Proceed cautiously.
  9. Consider the weather.
  10. Assist with nighttime safety for cyclists.

Why Should You Hire A Personal Injury Attorney After Car And Motorcycle Accidents?

Seeking the help of a motorcycle accident lawyer can be advantageous if you or a loved one has been in a motorcycle accident. Here are a few explanations:

To quantify the monetary value of your damages; To prove liability; To combat unfair biases and negotiate a fair settlement; To support and guide you throughout the legal procedure.

The legal aspects of your case will be assisted by your attorney. An adept lawyer can fight for your rights throughout the litigation process, ensuring that you prevail and earn the highest settlement possible for your losses.

Contact The Jones Firm For Legal Representation

A competent personal injury lawyer is waiting for your call to assist in today’s most common collisions between cars and motorcycles cases.

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