(425) 598–0904

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer in Renton, WA

Pedestrian Accident Lawyer in Renton, WA

Have you been injured as a pedestrian by a motor vehicle? Getting assistance from an experienced pedestrian personal injury accident attorney is vital in ensuring you are able to receive full compensation for your injuries. Hiring a Renton attorney after an accident can help ease the legal burden an accident can put on you.

Pedestrian Personal Injury Accidents in Renton

Pedestrians in Renton are forced to share busy city streets with cars, trucks, buses, and motorcycles — all of which are bigger and far better protected in the event of a collision. Unfortunately, not everyone gives pedestrians the respect and space they need on the roadways. Failure to observe pedestrian safety at crosswalks, stoplights, stop signs, and road shoulders can often lead to serious, if not deadly, pedestrian-auto accidents. The pedestrian accident attorneys have spent many years representing victims throughout Renton and the surrounding areas in personal injury claims and legal disputes over injuries.

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Renton Areas Of Practice:

Do You Qualify For a Pedestrian Accident Personal Injury Claim in Renton

A pedestrian is considered anyone who is on a roadway without a motorized vehicle. These include walkers, joggers, skateboarders, roller-skaters, and cyclists. All types of pedestrian activity can be equally eligible for a personal injury claim. Many pedestrians wrongly believe that, because they are not in a vehicle, their only option for medical coverage for injuries sustained in an accident is through their personal health insurance plan. However, there are several other options available. Pedestrians can obtain medical coverage for injuries through the personal injury protection (PIP) coverage of the driver responsible for the accident. If the driver does not have PIP coverage, but you do, you may obtain medical compensation through your PIP policy or other uninsured motorist coverage.

How a Pedestrian Accident Attorney Can Help You Obtain Medical Compensation

Too many individuals in Renton fail to receive the monetary compensation that they need for recovery because of unwarranted fears and misconceptions about a personal injury claim. An attorney can help you overcome these obstacles and ensure you’re able to fully heal from your injuries and have that medical treatment covered by the responsible parties. Here are some of the services you should expect from a pedestrian accident attorney:

  • Management and filing of all paperwork, claim forms, and legal documentation
  • Handling phone calls with insurance company representatives, medical experts, the opposing attorney, and other various legal or medical experts
  • Assistance finding appropriate medical experts to assist in convalescence

Obtaining the Best Results for Injured Pedestrians in Renton

Drawing on more than 10 years as a Bellevue pedestrian accident attorney, Dax Jones helps victims and their family members through the ordeal that follows an auto-pedestrian accident. He and his attorneys are devoted to helping these victims on the road to recovery. Contact The Jones Firm by completing the free consultation request form. Our pedestrian accident attorneys and Seattle personal injury lawyers are able to meet with clients wherever convenient for them, including homes and medical facilities. Our initial consultations are completely free and not subject to time limitations. Why wait? Let’s work together to get you the help you need.

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