Highway Design Defect Lawyer in Redmond, WA

Redmond Highway Design Defects

Treacherous road conditions due to weather, negligent drivers, and darting animals often cause motor vehicle crashes. However, sometimes the unseen offender is the design of the road itself. If a lot of accidents happen in one particular area, poorly laid-out roadways may be the cause.


Redmond Highway Defect Attorney

Unfortunately, slippery roads and texting drivers are easier to prove than road design issues. Fortunately, Redmond attorney, Dax Jones understands the complexities of winning a case based on highway design defects. His expertise with such cases means you will receive better compensation.


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Responsible Parties Held Accountable

Highway design is the responsibility of government agencies. A string of accidents along the same stretch of Highway 520 or any other roadway indicates poor design. Failure by government entities to fix such issues holds them accountable and liable for accidents.


What Types of Defects Cause Problems?

  • Water collection on the roadway due to improper drainage
  • Lack of repair to potholes or uneven pavement
  • Needed or improperly placed signs, stoplights, and guardrails
  • Unmarked road hazards


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Successfully Filing a Suit

Filing a lawsuit against a government agency introduces a lot of extra factors that can increase the intimidation of filing because of the entities involved. These lawsuits have unique filing requirements and shorter filing deadlines compared to cases against individuals.

However, Dax Jones continues to prove his credentials in litigations against government entities. Working on the side of families facing injury and death due to Redmond highway defects, The Jones Firm gets positive results for suffering individuals.

Furthermore, the government does not stand alone in this responsibility. For this reason, Dax Jones will hold accountable any architects, engineers, or contractors who have failed in their responsibility as well. While this may prove intimidating for victims, The Jones Firm possesses the experience and expertise in working on their behalf.

Partnering with a team of top investigators, accident reconstruction experts, and highway engineers, Dax Jones looks thoroughly at motor vehicle accidents from all angles. This attention to detail and concern for the victims ensure full compensation for his clients.


Contact Us Today

Contact The Jones Firm or online for assistance if you suspect a roadway defect was to blame for your accident. Willing to meet at the location of your convenience, Dax Jones truly serves his clients well. To further make this point, he offers a free consultation without the 30-minute limit common in most other firms.



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